October 2018 Discover China Week Trips – Next School Year

Signups for the next school year October 2018 Discover China Week trips has closed and at this stage the trips signups are as follows:

Grade 6/7

Taishan – Places available

Hangzhou – Full

Huangshan – Places available

Grade 8/9

Shaolin temple – Full

Moganshan – Places available

Beijing – Full

Grade 10/11

Guizhou – Places available

Xiamen – Places available

Yangshuo – Full

Towards the end of the year when we have a better idea of the number of students leaving and new students enrolling we will relook at the trip numbers and assign students who have not chosen a trip.

MAP schedule – REMINDER of extended blocks

Good morning,

A reminder that Grades 10s ONLY will have extended Blocks 1 & 3 TODAY.

All other students will have normal schedules on Monday.  Students – please move quietly and avoid the LGR between Blocks 1&2 and Blocks 3&4.  Thank you!

REMINDER: ALL students will have extended Block 1 on TUESDAY and THURSDAY this week.

Grade 4 will have their final MAP assessment at 8:10 on April 25.

This week’s MAP schedule for Grades 6-10 is below for your quick reference.

IBDP Biology students — Options class

Dear IBDP Biology students,

You have been asked to select an option to study as part of your course syllabus.

If you have chosen Option A (Neurobiology and behaviour), you will go to Mr Newman‘s class during block 1 today.

If you have chosen Option D (Human physiology), you will go to Mr. Mello‘s class during block 1 today.

If you have chosen Options B or C, please report to your usual block 1 teacher.

Much thanks to Mr. Hornell for his flexibility in making today happen.

Mr. Mello and Mr. Newman


Come to learn and be awesome!

Date: Mondays and Wednesdays 
 3:15 – 4:15
Location: Football Field
Email: muyenchou@naniing-school.com 

(Submitted on behalf of Mu-Yen Chou)

Girls’ Open Gym


There is no open gym on account of badminton tournament. Next week it’s back on! Sorry!
Coach Barder

Sent from a mobile device

Grade 6-11 Sports Day Job Allocations (UPDATED)

Job Allocations and Descriptions

Teachers who are listed in bold are the lead person for that event. Please check your name is there only once (except relay exchange zone judges who will also have another role)

On This day Lunches will be ‘flipped’ with Grade 6-11 students having access to lunch first(12:50-13:20).

Duty teachers have been contacted by Marina with the change in times for duty!


Staff Member

High Jump (AM only)

1) Chris Galaty, Andrew Kay, +2 students

2) Michael Chesterman, Andrew Messom, +2 students

Long Jump (AM only)

Anthony Lee, Daewoo Lee +2 students

Triple Jump (AM only)

Francis Morin, Robin Hutchinson,+2 students

Shot Put (AM only)

1) Paul Underwood, Jean Yang,

2) Andy Romero, Sunny Wang

Javelin Throw (AM only)

1) Nick Baker, Angel Chen,+2 students

2) Laura Hernandez, Becky Law +2 students

Time-Keepers Team A

Blocks 1-2

Jackie O’Brien, Mal Coad, Rebecca Creme, Katie Ham, Arden Tyoschin, Amy Keus, Cheryl Moen, Angela Romero (until 10:15)

+3 students

Time-Keepers Team B

Blocks 3-4

Jackie O’Brien, Mal Coad, Minza Usman-Snyder, Arsenio Orteza, Angela Fox, Christel Droulez, Triona Ryan, Grace Kim  +3 students

Time-Keepers Team C

Block 5

Jackie O’Brien, Mal Coad, Rebecca Creme, Katie Ham, Minza Usman-Snyder, Arsenio Orteza, Angela Fox, Christel Droulez, Triona Ryan

Cheerleaders/Support/Student supervisor

Kasson Bratton, Juan Savedra, Gretchen Galaty


Danny Clarke

Start Marshalls

Ruth Clarke (1-2) Sam Brown (3-4) Ben Dutton (5)

Results Checker

Sarah Merrylees

Finish Marshall

Jackie O’Brien, Mal Coad


Vicki Hong + Grace Jiang

Relay exchange zone judges (PM only)

Nick Baker (1), Chris Galaty (2), Anthony Lee (3)

House Leaders

Michael Chesterman, Rob Battye, Robin Marsh,


Eleven Hu/Cynthia Liu


Nikolai Joyce


Rick Fischl

Student supervisor

Gretchen Galaty/Kris Bezzerides/Sarah Thawley

Student Volunteer & Field Events Coordinator

Andrei Tyoschin, Ben Dutton

Logistics/operating system

Andrei Tyoschin, Grace Jiang

Referee/Event Manager

Ben Dutton

Student Helpers

TBC – Grade 11/Injured students

There is a lunch-break for everyone at 1pm – 2pm. There is no morning break, the events run straight through to lunch and again after lunch. (100m finalists should return earlier and be prepared to run at 14:00)

Please email Ben if you have any ‘clashes’ or any issues with the allocations. If you are an event leader and slightly unsure what to do come and have a chat with Andrei or Ben

Thanks in advance for your support, enthusiasm and collaboration.

PS and the Leavers’ March

Primary Teachers: A Middle School student will come by your classroom around 9:15 to give you a 5-minute warning that the Leaver’s March is going to begin.

Please have your students come out into the hallway and line the hallways. (Organize where you will stand ahead of time so that there is an even distribution in the hallways.) Leave room for the G12 students to walk through.

G12 students will walk from the PAC, past the LS room, past the G5s, G4s, down the EY hallway, turn into the G1 and 2 hallway and then out to the Spider Web. 

The PS students will clap as the G12 Leavers pass by.

Internal Vacancy: Community Activity Coordinator

Effective: 1st June 2018

Application deadline: 25th April 2018

Interview: during the week of 2nd May 2018

Reporting to Deputy Director – Operations and Finance

General Responsibilities

  • Organization of Community Activities
  • Research and provide appropriate Community Activities
  • Interview potential teachers / instructors
  • Ensure that potential instructors have valid police clearance report
  • Provide guidelines for CA instructors with appropriate school information
  • Organize room bookings and schedules for CA (twice per school year)
  • Set up of online registrations on Veracross in cooperation with IT department (twice per school year)
  • Follow up with class lists and class fees
  • Manage activities’ accounts and time sheets for instructors’ wages
  • Adjust the activities schedule according to the school calendar
  • Liaise with current Activities Strategist
  • Community Service
  • Organize room bookings for community related projects

If you wish to apply, please submit your resume, and brief letter of application to Holly Wang at recruitment@nanjing-school.com.

Wutaishan win 9-12 football

Well done Wutaishan for winning the G9-12 inter-house football tournament.

1st Wutaishan W2, D1, L1

2nd Xuanwu W2 L2

3rd Taiping W1 D1 L2