Day: September 4, 2018

Back Access of Cafeteria – Blocked

Dear all,

Due to the broken glass on the top of back access to cafeteria, this area was blocked with signs and tapes on both sides. Please keep away for safety. Will update the further information for unblock when it being fixed later. Picture attached for exact location.

Thanks for your understanding.

Facility Department

IDU Job-A-Like at NIS

Dear MYP Colleagues,

I am hosting a Job-a-like for schools in the region on Tuesday September 18th from 10am to 3pm.

The theme of the Job-a-like is ‘IDUs for experienced MYP teachers’. I am extending an invitation to anyone who teaches MYP to attend this workshop, although places are limited so if you are interested please get in touch.

The workshop will include a quick briefing on what an IDU is according to the IB and then time for planning, refining and sharing IDU ideas and plans will be given.

Looking forward to hearing from you..



Professional Development One-Stop Shop

Hello All,

Please find the attached one-pager on how to subscribe to our NIS PD Edublog and receive daily updates. You can also check the PD Edublog any time via the edublog home page. Take a look and scroll back through the posts that have already been..well..posted!

Once you find something of interest, please complete this form (also found in the trusty Staff Folder) and send to your relevant Head of Section (Adam, Ruth, or Katie). Your application will then come before the PD Committee and Kasson will let you know the outcome. It’s that simple!

Go forth and PD!


Student Council Members Lunch Today

Dear Colleagues


The following members of Student Council are allowed to go into the Cafeteria to get lunch today during the PYP Lunch 1 as they will be meeting most of lunch and this will happen every Tuesday for the year.


Grade 6

Oscar Fitzgerald

Will Felton


Grade 7

Siya Chabra

Saelyn Hwangbo


Grade 8

Erica Hwang

Sunny Cho

Summer Hsia


Grade 9

Chloe Lee


Grade 10

Luigi Pizzolito

Paul Meyer

Andy He

Alice Zhang

SoHyun Youn

Sunny Bae

Hyelyn Hwangbo

Yoonji Chae


Grade 11

Angela Chen

Michelle Qing


Thank you


Trip Week

So I hear you want to go on Trip Week?

Please ask your parents to

  1. update Veracross with passport/visa or ID
  2. send in a photo of passport/visa or ID

Deadline Sept 7th!

Day 8 PS Update

Soccer Pitch Reminder:

Please help remind students that the pitch is a place for everyone to play.

Tuesday Schedule:

Break-10:10am .        Lunch -11:50am .           2:30pm Dismissal

2:45pm: Start PS Program at the Maker Space;

3:31pm: Strategy Session

Area Block for Maintenance

Dear all,

The back granite ground area of Cafeteria is blocked for hydrant maintenance this week (include this coming weekend). We fenced and put signs around, please keep away for safety.  Picture attached below for exact location.

Thanks for your understanding.


Facility Department