Year: 2018

Learning2 Conference

If you are interested in being a Learning2 Leader for either an Extended Session or Pre conference Workshop, please take a look at the Applications for Presenters information on the L2Asia website. If you have any questions, I am happy to share my experience as an L2 Leader.

What is L2?

Learning2 is a conference for educators by educators. Learning2 is run by a global team of international educators, who work closely with the hosting schools to develop a professional learning experience that highlights the latest innovative learning practices in the region.

The Extended Session:

● This is a 2.5 hour dive into an innovative practice or concept. Typically the session runs for 3 hours with a short break built in.

● The session is generally broad-based in that it may be of interest to a wide range of participants.

● The Extended Session is offered on the Friday in the morning and then again on the Saturday for a different set of participants.

● Each session size is generally up to 25 participants although at times some topics are very popular and we may discuss the potential for opening up to 40 participants with additional facilitation support.


PreConference Facilitators

● The purpose of the PreConference is to offer extended session in a specific or niche topic.

●It is a 4 – 5 hour dive into an innovative practice or concept and is usually an in-depth interactive hands-on experience where participants learn and practice new skills such as coaching or technology-based pedagogical practices.

● Each session size is generally up to 25 participants although, at times, some topics are very popular and we may discuss the potential for opening up to 40 participants with additional facilitation support.

WebPath Express – a better way to search than Google

Use WebPath Express to search educator-approved websites, then focus the results by grade-level and lexile! You do NOT need to be logged in to the library website to use, and it’s accessible by everyone…students, parents, teachers, etc. I’ve attached directions for you to try it out, and have so far shown grades 3-5 how to use it. Let me know if you would like me to come into any classrooms to work on this!

WebPath Express-2g1jael

Network Maintenance Reminder

This is just a reminder that there may be some intermittent network connectivity and/or slow connection for the Teacher network today, and possibly during the day on Tuesday. We will be running some tests with a new Internet Service Provider (ISP) for our overseas line that will eventually allow us to double our internet speed to your favorite sites outside the Great Firewall.

We do have a backup in place in case we lose all connectivity, but are hoping we won’t need it. We apologize for any inconvenience, and any impact on your user experience will be kept to a minimum, but we do ask for your patience for the next couple of days while the initial set up takes place.

We will be doing this two more times before making a final decision on our provider in the Chinese New Year. Stay tuned for more updates.

Thank you,

The IT Team

G8-9s Global Citizen Diploma

Students in g8 and 9 have an awesome opportunity to make NIS history. You will all be the first to join the GCD journey.

We are currently looking for 2 students to join the GCD-Up meeting in Hong Kong. Please remember to send in the word INTERESTED if you would like to be considered! Information about the Global Citizen Diploma was sent to you via email or come by the Activities Office.

The deadline is Monday, Dec 3rd at 4pm.



Have you exceeded the Service requirement for Semester 1 yet? Have your written up your experiences on ManageBac?

Some of your peers have already gone BEYOND the minimum AND put the entries on ManageBac, wrote their reflections and submitted evidence!

The table below shows that a student in G6 has already completed 3 experiences. The students that have the * means that they are participating in some long-term experiences such as Video Review, House Captain etc.

What experiences are you doing? Come in for a chat and we’ll see if they meet the Service criteria.

Stop by on Mondays during Office Hours. If that time doesn’t suit you, email me and we’ll find a time.

There are a few opportunities still available before the holidays:

Trash Busters – come to the Activities Office for info

Teaching English at a Kindergarten – come to the Activities Office for info

Basketball Score Keeping – on Veracross

Discover China Photo Winners

The winning photos will be posted at lunch today outside the Activities Office. If you took the photo(s), come into the office for a piece of cake!

We need your Help!

We have a lot of service opportunities for you!

  • RFG Christmas Market
  • Tutoring at Local Chinese Kindergarten at Crystal Hill
  • Score Keeper at a Basketball Invitational Tournament hosted by NIS
  • Trash Busters
  • Giving Tree

Sign up on Veracross or drop by the Activities Office today!


PS Music and Math!

Come join us at 7:45am for some delightful  Music in the Foyer! (Thank you Heidi!)

House Math Challenge: Brought to you by Taiping

The plan this year is to give students the choice of trying up to 10 different math stations. Once at a station, there are 3 different options of challenge for them to choose from. The scorekeepers will award up to 10 points based on a students ability to explain their thinking (either in words, pictures or numbers) and the creativity of their solutions.
Please read the following details to ensure that you and your students are ready for the event.
  1. Start Time 8:10am
  2. Please have students bring their math notebook and a pencil (clipboard optional)
  3. Please ask your students to wear their house colors
  4. Students have the option of working alone, in pairs or in a group of 3… please have this organized prior to arriving
  5. On arrival to the Green Gym, students will sit in house groups for brief instructions before starting
  6. Scorekeepers (see below) will move to their stations and be given clipboards with tally charts for points
  7. If you are not a scorekeeper (see below), then you are floating and managing traffic and behavior

Math Challenges (G1 – G5)

* Feel free to discuss these with your class ahead of time… or not… most are self-explanatory
Station 1 – Calculation – Scorekeepers: Amanda Xie, Alex, Susan
Station 2 – Which One Doesn’t Belong? – Scorekeepers: Junlah, Sunny, Mel
Station 3 – Estimation – Scorekeepers: Lee, Diana, Echo
Station 4 – Would You Rather? – Scorekeepers: Betina, Heika, Seth
Station 5 – Patterns – Scorekeepers: Kelli, Ian
Station 6 – Squares – Scorekeepers: Angie Romero, Lucia, Tom
Station 7 – 100s Chart – Scorekeepers: Cal, Anna K, Tye
Station 8 – Area – Scorekeepers: Adam, Ray, Heidi
Station 9 – Parts of a Whole – Scorekeepers: Julie, Anouk, Melody
Station 10 – Missing Digits – Scorekeepers: Zach, Lily, Steven
Math Challenges (K2)
Station 1 – Which One Doesn’t Belong?
Station 2 – Tangrams
Station 3 – Number Tracing (or Number Tracing Addition)

Global Citizen Diploma – GCD

To help our students tell their stories, NIS is implementing the Global Citizen Diploma. This program provides all students a platform to tell us (and the world) who they are. We are not making them do more. We are asking them to tell us what they are doing inside and outside of school. There will be more info for teachers, parents and students. Here is the website if you want a peek:

On Friday after assembly, we will be giving a very brief GCD introduction to the grades 8 and 9. We will be asking for interested students to apply to attend the GCD-UP workshop in Hong Kong during CNY. Students and teachers from all 5 GCD schools will meet to learn, to share, to be empowered. This should take around 10 minutes. We will share the presentation on 365.



Exam Week Activities

Students in Grades 7-10….. some of you have not signed up for any activities during exam week…. you need to login to Veracross and get signing up:

Grade 7

Nele, Alvina, Simon (Bangce), Jia, Edwin

Grade 8

Shinyeong, Beto, Tianyue, Toni

Grade 9

Geonyoung, Thomas (He), Max, Lara, JaeHong, Joshua, Ahjna

Grade 10

Yanqing, Seongmin, Jumin, Riccardo

Library – a quiet place to study

The library will be a “quiet zone” for the next two weeks, with computers and phones to be used for educational purposes only and noisy conversations to be held elsewhere. The quiet zone begins Monday!

PS Seasonal Musings

‘Tis the season…Staff, friends, families, students, and even pets can sense the approaching holidays. For some this time might mean a major transition for a family. For others, it may mean being bored stiff at home with no friends to play with. For most, it is an exciting time to relax or be adventurous with friends and family. Either way their tends to be a lot of emotion about this time of year. We can help each other and our students during the next two and a half weeks by:

  • Revisiting common agreements in the classroom and around campus.
  • Taking time to check-in and talk with students.
  • Do diligence by keeping students accountable for their behavior.
  • Breathe, smile, and patiently wait for students to meet your expectations.

They will love you all the more for it!