Year: 2018


All those who signed-up for today’s production audition please go to M252 straight after school so we can begin at 3:15 sharp.

Good luck!!


Homework Club is BACK! Every Monday and Wednesday from 3:15-4:15, ALL Grade 6-12 students are welcome to come to the Learning Support Area (C142) to work on homework, projects, speeches, Personal Projects, Extended Essays, and more! It is a great place to ask questions, work with peers, and get stuff done! There are always teachers ready to support you there.

Community Activities for Adults

I’m very pleases to let you know that we have a few new classes this semester for adults in the afternoon, specially designed for staff. We are able to offer Yoga and Swim Lessons on Mondays, Taichi on Tuesdays, Chinese and Swim Lessons on Wednesdays and Pilates on Thursdays. You can find the details at Veracross. Please feel free to contact me with your questions.
Your Community Activities Coordinator
Katja Schubert

Weekly Bulletin Submissions – Info for all staff


Important information for all new staff and reminder for others. The first edition will be today Friday 17th August.

All material for our Weekly Bulletin is submitted via the Daily Bulletin using the box in the very top right hand corner called “Weekly Bulletin”

The bulletin is published mid afternoon on Fridays on the website and via Veracross to all parents and staff. It is a public document and checked by Laurie each week.

The deadline for submission is 12 noon on Wednesdays. If you have a problem with this please let Sue know as soon as possible. Important information is translated into Korean and Chinese. If you are not sure if this applies to your article ask Sue or Kasson.

There are two options : Weekly Bulletin and Banner/Poster. Instructions on each are contained in the drop down box.
The poster part relates to the information that is loaded on the hi-tec screen in the Centre Foyer near the Reception Counter. All other items are displayed throughout the week on the screen next to the PTA Shop. There is a hard copy in the school foyer by the entrance to the Cafeteria.

In order for us to edit or update please submit your entries in Word.

We do not allow any family names of students. First names only. We also observe strict guidelines on use of student photos. If you need clarification see Ruth.

If you have any problems submitting files, address any technical issues to :

Thanks for your support
Sue N

Admissions Office

House captains wanted

Welcome back everyone.

The House championship will be starting soon and all three houses need student captains to help organise teams for this year’s events.

Please contact your house leader if you are interested in becoming a house captain. Next Friday is the House assembly, so time is short.

Captains are needed for both G6-8 and G9-12.


Mr Hornell

Mr Stevens Mr Chesterman


Day 4 PS Reminders

PS Assembly starts at 8:10am in the PAC.

Please assume usual  seating arrangements for your grade levels.

Contact Adam and Junlah:

Whenever emailing PS Admin regarding students please include both Adam and Junlah in your communication.

Adam will be away from school after 12:30pm.

PS Students Can Get Involved in Grade 10 Genetics Study:

From Luis:

As part of a Grade 10 Biology project, we are looking to map out a few genetic traits in our student body. We thought we’d start by asking Primary teachers to volunteer their classes for 10-15 minutes in September. The tests are observations of simple behaviors and physical traits only (like the orientation of hand clasping, presence of a widow’s peak, smile dimples, cleft chins, attached earlobes, etc…).

I’m happy to explore how the data from the project can support your units in the Primary.

This is also a first opportunity for PS students to visit the US Science labs – stay tuned for more!

Connect with Luiz for more information.



PeopletoPeople and BuyNothing

Good Morning,

This is a reminder to check the PeopletoPeople and BuyNothing sites occasionally. PeopletoPeople is our “classified” section for selling things, mentioning social events, and other sorts of information about life here in Nanjing and China in general. BuyNothing is our page for offering/searching for goods, services and such for free. Check them both out and see what treasure of experiences lie in wait for you! (You will need to log in with your Veracross/O365 username and password).

Knock, Knock…

Who’s there?


Otto who?

Otto know why MS/US students keep walking through the new Early Years area! 

For movement between the Green Gym and any other location on campus you MUST exit the doors into the Design Centre Foyer.

Thanks for your cooperation!


Assembly this afternoon

There is no better way to round off Week 1 than with our first assembly as a Middle and Upper School. The assembly begins at 2:30pm sharp. Please leave your bags in class, and be seated in your allocated sections by 2:25pm.

See you there!