Year: 2018

G9-12 Inter-house football

Please contact your house captains if you would like to play in the G9-12 inter-house football tournament THIS week (Wednesday 18th April).

Teams need 7 players including a goalkeeper, plus subs.

Each house needs both a girls and boys team.

Please wear house shirts and suitable shoes.

MAP Schedule – reminder

Dear Colleagues,

Attached you will find the schedule for MAP assessments this week and next week.

REMINDER: This week Wednesday and Thursday Block 1 are extended for ALL CLASSES. 

Proctors, please go through the checklist of 6 questions sent out on Wednesday, April 11, as well as details on accommodations.

Please see me with any questions.  Thank you!


MAP Assessments – student schedule reminder

Dear Students in Grades 6-10,

A reminder to check the schedule for MAP assessments that will take place this week and next week.

Note: This week Wednesday and Thursday Block 1 are extended for ALL CLASSES. 

Thank you,

Mrs Tyoschin

Helpers for Tuesday PYP ASA – Games in Gym

On Tuesday there will be a PYP ASA in the gym playing various games and we would like a few MYP/DP helpers to assist the teacher running this activity. If you would like to help please email me. Helping with this will be a Service Activity.

Discover China Week Trip Choices (G5-10) – Will open at 0800am Monday

The October 2018 Discover China Week Trip choices will open at 0800 am Monday.
Would G5-10 Students please note the following:
a. Information about each trip has been emailed to you and your parents.
b. This year’s Grade 6, 8 and 10 students cannot choose the same trip as you went on this year.
c. There is a maximum number of places in each trip – when the maximum number is reached then the trip is full. The number is set at approx. 35% of the combined enrolment of the the two grades for each trip.
d. If after choosing a trip you want to change you can only change if there are free places available in another trip.
e. You should choose only one trip.
f. You should choose a trip unless you are 100% sure that you will not be at NIS next school year.
Please contact me if you have any questions.

Homework Club!

Homework Club is on today and Wednesday from 3:15-4:15 in the LSS Area (C142). Come on down to study, finish assignments, and get help (if you need it). All grade 6-12 students are welcome!

Trinity College Dublin Visits Today

Students in Grades 9-11 come and hear about Trinity College and the extensive programs that are offered.

Grab a brochure, ask some questions, get some ideas for possible university options.

Where:  MYP LGR

Time:  12:50

When:  Monday, April 16, 2018

Reminder about talk on holidays in Australia and New Zealand -all welcome

This travel company is recommended by community members. They are based out of Shanghai and will be sending one of their experts to NIS this Wednesday, 25th April, from 1.45pm onwards in the PTA Room in the Centre.

Do go along and find out more.
RSVP to the address on the poster – or just turn up.

Everyone is welcome!

International SOS Membership Orientation Webinar

Dear overseas staff,

This webinar will give you a brief overview about the benefits you receive from NIS membership of iSOS. If you need a reminder of the medical and travel security advice and assistance iSOS can provide, please refer to it.


Best wishes,


Prototype Call Out: Reluctant Writers in the Middle Years

Based on the raging success of the reluctant writers prototype for Grades 4 and 5, we’re now taking that learning forward to focus on the Middle Years.

If you’re interested in joining the prototype ‘HMW support reluctant writers in the Middle Years‘, please contact Katie H. Thanks!