Month: November 2020

Campus Access Document Feedback

Hello All,

Linked below are two documents regarding campus access that we’d love some feedback on. This first is a draft “Campus Access Guide” primarily targeted at parents to help systematize and communicate our phases of campus access. The second is a draft “Campus Access Continuum” which will be an internal document we use to clarify who can access campus and when. If you are interested, please have a look and send Kasson any feedback by Wednesday morning. Thanks!

Campus Access Guide

Campus Access Continuum 

Coming soon! The incredible MYP/DP production of…..


Overheard in the cafeteria queue…


Nora (Student 1): Did you here this year’s production is Shakespeare?

Dora (Student 2): You’re joking! Why would they do that to us? There’s no way I’m going to that!

Flora (Student 3): Me neither. No-one except teachers understands Shakespeare.

Fauna (Student 4): What’s Shakespeare?

Mr.Hammond: It’s actually very funny.

Nora: Did you hear something?

Dora: Nah, it was just a teacher noise. Ignore it.

Mr.Hammond: It’s a comedy!

Flora: Hmmm… But it’s the only production we have this year. Maybe we should go…

Fauna: What’s Shakespeare?

Nora: But I only like musicals.

Mr.Hammond: There’s a song in it!

Nora: I keep hearing a teacher noise. It’s so annoying!

Dora: Yeah, it’s lunchtime and this is a teacher-free zone!

Flora: Hmmm… The productions here are always totally amazing. Maybe we should go…

Mr.Hammond: The set is fantastic, the decorations are magical, the acting is superb…

Dora: There’s that noise again. Some weird buzzing…

Mr.Hammond: The play is hilarious, a joke a minute, laughs for everyone…

Nora: Yeah, like a mosquito. I don’t understand a word it says…

Flora: Hmmm… It would be a great night out, and it’s only 30 RMB. Maybe we should go…

Fauna: What’s Shakespeare?!


To be continued…

November 13 is…

Celebrate World Kindness Day by being kind. If you are interested in starting a Random Acts of Kindness Club, please email Ms Anna.

Choir Rescheduled!

We’ve had lots of interest in the choir restarting… but on Friday afternoons!

Your wish is my command!  Choir has been moved to Fridays. This is for staff and students, so teachers are welcome to join as well.

Please see Summer for more information.

Theatre off limits for production

Please be aware that the Theatre is off limits to all staff and students due to production work. (You’ll have to get tickets for A Midsummer Night’s Dream to see why!)

APA Referencing examples for the classroom

6 pages of examples of common references for you to print out and display/use in your classroom. We’re still formatting the APA Reference Guide, but this will get you started! If you see any issues with them, please let me know.

Tweet – How to reference

Video – how to reference

Website – How to reference

Journal Article – How to reference

Image – how to reference

Book or Ebook – How to Reference

Student Voice and Student Choice – Cafeteria Survey

Student Voice and Student Choice – Use your voice and complete the Cafeteria Survey

Hi, we are the Student Council Voice & Choice Committee. Please scan the QR code and fill out this survey on the school lunch pricing and quality by Friday, November 13. We appreciate your input.

Kari Beck

On behalf of MS/HS Student Council

6B Design

Dear Students in 6B, please go to room D340 for your Design class today. Your new teacher for this trimester will be Mr Wang. Yay!!

ManageBac Mondays – MS|US

Beginning next week, Cindy and I would like to begin offering short, focused ManageBac sessions for MS|US teachers to help clarify questions you might have and improve your MB skills. Here is the schedule for each Monday up until the December holiday:

We will be meeting in the LGR, during lunch 2, unless otherwise noted.

We look forward to seeing you there!

Cindy and Joe

Food and drink in class

Students in Grades 6-12; here is a Monday Morning Mind Teaser: Can you bring food and drink into your classes? Can you eat your breakfast in Advisory? Can you carry a can of coke in your bag and pull it out when you are thirsty in class? What about a quick munch on a banana if you are peckish in class?

The answer to all of these is:no.

You may bring water to class. You may eat during break and lunch.