Grade 7 students! Today we will have a short meeting in the LGR in block 1 to talk about your schedules for G8. Please put your bag in your block 1 class and make your way to the LGR ready to talk course choices.
See you there!
Mrs Clarke
Grade 7 students! Today we will have a short meeting in the LGR in block 1 to talk about your schedules for G8. Please put your bag in your block 1 class and make your way to the LGR ready to talk course choices.
See you there!
Mrs Clarke
Dying for something new to read? Need a nonfiction book for class? Never fear, the library is here! You can request a book and we will deliver it to your homeroom or advisory teacher. This applies only to grades currently allowed on campus. Email me with any questions!
You can also drop off books (yours and/or from your family) in a tub in front of the library.
Music yearbook photos will be taken today during the first half of lunch. Please get your temperature checked and then report immediately to the grassy area with your instrument. If you have a costume (e.g. a drumming club), then please wear it. Otherwise, just normal clothes.
Thanks! See you then!
A reminder that the updated BTT schedule begins today.
Please be sure to be in your respective locations on time and direct any questions to Katie.
Many thanks to you all for your involvement and flexibility with the amendments.
Happy Wednesday!
Find your paints, your crayons, your coloured pencils, your camera or your laptop!
Mr Stevens needs publicity for his fundraiser. We need posters, videos etc that explain what, when, why, how, when and where!
Who: Mr Stevens
What: will ride up and down “Yangshan” 80 times.
Where: near Golden Eagle
When: June 6
Why: Mr Stevens is raising money for the Hopeful Hearts Charity. This charity helps pay for children’s heart surgeries.
How: He will ride up and down the hill 80 times. This is the same distance as climbing to the Mount Everest base camp! This challenge is call EVERESTING. It’s the most difficult climbing challenge in the world: .
We need to advertise this fundraiser. But we don’t have any posters or PSAs yet.
Your advertisement should be clear and informative. You can draw, paint, or use any media you want. Perhaps you would like to do a little video, like a PSA.
How is this volunteering? Your contribution to this poster competition is indirect volunteering. You will be raising awareness about heart surgeries and hopefully, people will donate money and cheer him on.
The submissions are due on Monday, May 11th at 9am.
Please put them on OneDrive. For more info, please contact Mr Stevens or myself.
Hello grade 11 students,
See you Day 5, block 5 on May 6, 18, 28 and June 9 in the Large Music Room
Dear All Leaving Staff who are here in Nanjing,
I know that many of you are already thinking about the the list of things that need to be done before 19th June. Below is information on how to complete the Clearance Procedures for your child or children.
Each leaving student in every grade must complete a Clearance Form. The parent needs to complete the whole form for PS, and for MS/US the front page is for parents and the other two sheets for the students to complete.
(Katie will organise for the G12’s to get their forms done)
Forms can be obtained from Main Reception, Admissions or downloaded off the website on the Parent Portal or FAQ’s via this link:
· On the student’s last day – in exchange for their completed form we will hand over the studentship letter in PS and transcripts in MS/US. This is done by the ladies on Main Reception with support from Admissions. As school ends at 11am please encourage all concerned to get these forms completed in their final week – not the final hour or minutes!
Julia Zhang our Financial Controller on the 2nd floor of the Centre is always the last person to sign off on the form.
It is important that all MacBooks are handed into IT for them to clear off all school settings and software. Before this is done EVERYTHING must be backed up as it will be wiped clean and they will not be able to retrieve anything. I would encourage all leaving students in Grade 5 and MS to ask IT if they have any questions about this – especially in terms of the best time to get this done during their final week.
For students who use Seesaw here is the information on how to access their journal: Download Seesaw Journal1
The Admissions Office remains open throughout the summer break.
Any questions – drop by and see us in Admissions, call Sue on 13809022693 or email us at
We are all here to help and make sure that those final days here at NIS are happy and stress free!
Jiae, Jane, Lucy and Sue
The A Team
PS If you are a teacher/parent who is already out of China and not returning , I will write to you individually to support your child/children’s clearance procedures.
Dear MS/US Advisories and Gr5 HR teachers,
The 2019 Annual Reports are ready in each of your pigeon hole for distribution, please check. (we give report to the youngest child in each family).
Thank you!
Blocks 4 and 5 today …
It’s going to be awesome! Of course.
Thanks, everyone, for your involvement in BTT across the campus. Here is the link to the most updated schedule, commencing tomorrow (Wednesday, May 6th).
Direct any and all questions to Katie.
Happy Tuesday!
Hello Grade 10,
Plan to meet in the LGR on May 5 and 6, 18, 28 and June 9 for Life 101
Hello All,
Please find the minutes from yesterday’s morning briefing. Cheers!
Grade 11, tomorrow’s EE / SE session is all set to run in the LGR!
When: All of block 4 and block 5 – with a lunch break, of course.
What to bring: your notes, ideas and research question
PS: Don’t forget your temperature check today!