Category: Staff

University Visits This Week

Attention grades 10 – 12  students:

March 18 City University Hong Kong at 9:30 in LGR during Life 101

March 18 Chinese University Hong Kong at 9:30 in LGR during Life 101

March 19 University of Pittsburgh at 12:30 lunch  in LGR



10-12 Life 101 Monday


Grade 10 (Attention) – Large Music Room (not cafeteria)

Grade 11 – Large Music Room

Grade 12 – 11/12 Lounge (important informational updates)

Career Day Sign Up

This Friday during blocks 1 & 2 will be Career Day at NIS. Students will have an opportunity to meet professionals from Nanjing who will share their career stories and insights into their chosen profession. Each student get to attend 3 sessions during this time.

Please sign up for your preferred session. If you do not complete the sign up form, you will be randomly assigned to a session.

Grades 6-8 can begin sign ups during advisory this morning by following this link.  Grades 6-8 Career Day sign up

Grades 9-11 will sign up during Life 101 today following this link. Grades 9-11 Career Day sign ups

Sign ups will close at the end of the school day Tuesday. 

Life 101 Grade 9

Life 101 will meet in the following rooms. You will need your computers.

9A – Yuen “Gaming Room”

9B – Warwick D215

9C – Letkeman D220

Head of Section Survey Reminder

Good Morning, All,

Please remember to take a few minutes and complete the Head of Section survey sent out on Monday by Angela Romero. The survey will close on Monday, March 18th at 4pm.  Your feedback is essential!

Many Thanks.

March Media Mentor Month

Following on from the Weekly Bulletin post about March Media Mentor Month, here is this weekend’s challenge:


While the original post was primarily for parents, teachers are also encouraged to try some of these with their students as well. Try and complete as many of the activities in the calendar as you can throughout the month of March and if you would like to share with our community, make sure to mention @nischinaorg (on Instagram) or @NISChina (on Twitter or Facebook) so we can follow your progress! Together we can mentor each other to be more mindful and purposeful users of technology!

The rest of the calendar can be found below:

March Media Mentor Month

Following on from the Weekly Bulletin post about March Media Mentor Month, here is today’s challenge:

While the original post was primarily for parents, teachers are also encouraged to try some of these with their students as well. Try and complete as many of the activities in the calendar as you can throughout the month of March and if you would like to share with our community, make sure to mention @nischinaorg (on Instagram) or @NISChina (on Twitter or Facebook) so we can follow your progress! Together we can mentor each other to be more mindful and purposeful users of technology!

The rest of the calendar can be found below:

“March Madness,” “Bracketology,” “the Big Dance,” etc….

Across North America (and indeed, much of the globe) the next several weeks are referred to as “March Madness.” Also called “The Big Dance,” “The Tournament,” “The Road to the Final Four,” and “The NCAA Tournament,” this phenomenon sees previously unknown college students (18-22 years old) become household names and even the most passive sports fan becomes a college basketball pundit. For those of us at NIS, it’s a chance to demonstrate newfound knowledge about basketball and share that with Andy, Kasson, Dan or Joe and say things like, “I told you that Middle Tennessee State University would beat your Hoosiers (Kasson’s team)” or “I guess your [Texas] Longhorns (Andy’s team) were no match for the Hokies” or “Wow, Joe, I thought you said your Michigan Wolverines were good.”

While a large amount of gambling takes place (more than 10 Billion USD change hands in bets based on this CNBC report), the most interesting part of this phenomenon is that there is sometimes much more focus on trying to accurately predict who will win or lose, that the games themselves are sometimes forgotten. Perhaps this is because it is so hard to accurately predict the winners, even for the most basketball-savvy individual (professors at Duke University have calculated that it is a 1 in 9.2 quintillion chance). Billionaire tycoon Warren Buffett has offered a 2 million USD prize to his employees for the first one to get 76% of their bracket correct over the last few years. (To date there has never been a “perfect” bracket).

If you’ve read this far and are still interested in joining this phenomenon here, at NIS, please email Joe to join the NIS March Madness by Monday at 12/noon. (Please note that all betting proceeds will benefit our NIS charities; bragging rights are yours!)

For more information on this phenomenon, from a non-American perspective, check out this link.

Let the Madness commence!


















See you in the staffroom @ 10:20 to share ideas about feedback and how it looks in your context.


Interhouse Football Grades 9-12

Inter-house football is on Friday, during extended advisory. Captains please make sure your house has a team, we will be playing 8 minute games, in the following order:

Match 1: Xuanwu v Taiping

Match 2: XuanwuWutaishan

Match 3: TaipingWutaishan

Each house needs 7 boys and 7 girls for their team. Check in with your advisor and come to the field ready to start by 8:10 am.

Good luck