Month: January 2019

Always the Stairs

The health benefits of climbing the stairs are undisputed. Talk to your Advisor or PE teacher for more information about why using the lift is an unhealthy choice but climbing the stairs is a healthy one. At NIS the lifts are there for people who need them. Students who are able to climb the stairs should be climbing the stairs and not using the lifts.  See for more advice….



Grade 9 into 10 subject selection meeting

Calling all Grade 09 students:

You’ve only one more semester before joining the Upper School. But first, here is today’s mission:

  • Leave Advisory promptly and head to the MSUS LGR by 8:15am;
  • You will need a pen and paper to take notes.
  • Please leave your bags at the back of the LGR.

See you momentarily,

Ms Ham

PP in the Library

Dear PPers,

We are getting to the final stretch! With goals chosen & researched, and product made, now it’s time to turn your attention to the report. Would you like some SUPER help?

Come to the library today from 3:00 – 4:15 for some heroic help!

Survey needed

Dear All,

Please take a few seconds to fill in the Survey and give us feedback of the system. Thank you!

If you have student coming into you this week, you would receive a form filled in by student and parent about themselves in your pigeon hole.  This was from a group of teacher who worked on the “HMW better transition our students into NIS?” last school year and it has be adopted into this year.

Idea: Investigate ways to effectively transition ELL students into NIS.

Purpose/Scope: Investigate ways to effectively transition ELL students into NIS. Consider the use of home language and sharing of personal information including family background in addition to educational background with the student’s teacher(s) before they arrive for their first day of school.

  • To get to know the student as person
  • Know, value and utilize their home language

Community Activities

Community Activities for students
There are still a few free seats for Ballet (all classes), HipHop (all classes), Taekwondo, Classical Painting (G3-G4) and Creative Painting (G1-G2). Please sign up at Veracross.



Grade 6 to 8 students make sure you have your prompt questions printed and available for people to see for Xfest on the 24th January.

All other Grades are invited to come and see what they Grade 6 to 8 students have been working on.

See poster for more details.

xfest poster



When: 10:55 – 11:40

Where: See poster for locations

Who: All are invited to come and visit and speak with the Grade 6 to 8 students.

See poster for more details.

xfest poster

Note for Arden & Andrei in Harare

As I mentioned at Briefing on Monday morning, some of you might like to write a short message to Arden and Andrei.

As you all know Zimbabwe is in turmoil, and it is a demanding and stressful situation for both of them.

I will put a large sheet of A3 paper on the table in the Staff Room with a pen for  you to leave a message. Kasson is “popping” over there to do some training for Arden and her team next week, and he will take it with him on Friday.





Research & citing help

Need help finding resources for a project or assignment? Not sure how to properly cite your sources? Help is available! Come to the library after school every Wednesday (3:15-4:15) for help with research and APA citations. As an added bonus, Ms. Lenk will also be there to assist with any EE questions!

Speech & Debate team early departure Friday, 25th January

To teachers of the students listed below…

Could these students have permission to leave a little early from their Block 5 lesson on the afternoon of Friday, 25th January? They have a bus to catch at 3pm from NIS to the stati0n. They would therefore need to leave your lesson by 2:45pm at the latest. They should mention this to you themselves and remind you when the time comes. Many thanks for making sure we leave on time!

Suyeon Bae

Yerin Lim

Hyemin Han

Minseo Kim

Seoyeon Kim

Erica Seowoo Hwang

Siya Chhabra

Emma Park

Kevin Liu

William Huang

Yoonji Chae

Sohyun Youn

Jiahui Jin

Jumin Park

Jason Fujia Wang

Anthony Chen

Community Activities
Don’t forget to sign up on Veracross for Community Actvities. There are also activities for students available.